Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Julie is an award winning Kingston artist who has exhibited her art in galleries across Ontario in Kingston, Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor,Montreal and the U.S. Julie graduated from Montreal's Concordia University bachelor of fine arts program in 1999 with the Hienz-Jordon painting award. Her art is an exploration of materials and an ongoing expression of her emotion, passion and desire to create art that is engaging, intelligent and reaches people through a viseral experience.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Art Website:

Self-portrait, 2009, First Prize, Kingston Art Salon Regional Juried Exhibition 2010

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Julie Davidson Smith
Kingston, Ontario

Curriculum Vitae

Bachelor of Fine Arts
Concordia University

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2005 Full Circle, Engine Gallery, Toronto, ON.
2004 Flow, Engine Gallery, Toronto, ON.
2002 Overflow, State of Flux Exhibition Space, Modern Fuel Gallery, Kingston
2001 Nomadic, Sleepless Goat Café, Kingston, ON.

Selected Group Exhibitions

2010 Best Foot Forward, Montserat College of Art, Beverly, MA, U.S.A.
2010 Wellington Street Gallery, Kingston, On.
2010 Kollaboration Kingston, Sandra Whitton Gallery, Kingston, ON2010 Wellington Street Gallery, Kingston, ON
2010 9th Annual Juried Art Salon Kingston, Wilson Room (FIRST PRIZE)
2009 N.G.B. Studios, Creative Woman, Kingston, ON
2009 Canvas Gallery, Toronto ON 2009 Sandra Whitton Gallery, Kingston On.
2008 Art Gallery of Windsor, Art Rental & Sales
2008 Canvas Gallery, Toronto, ON.
2008 Sandra Whitton Gallery, Kingston, ON.
2007 6th Annual Juried Art Salon Exhibition, Wilson Room, Kingston, ON (FIRST PRIZE)
2007 20 X 20, Sandra Goldie Gallery, Montreal, Que.
2007 Art Gallery of Windsor, Art Rental and Sales, Windsor, ON.
2006 Illuminati, Sole’ Gallery, Toronto, ON.
2006 Queen Street West Art Crawl, Trinity Bell Park, Toronto, ON.
2006 Mixed Media Juried Art Show, OKWA, The Wilson Room, Kingston,
2006 The Persistence of Craft, N.G.B. Studios, Kingston, ON.
2005 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto
2005 Artocracy, Marci Lipman Gallery, Toronto, ON.
2004 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Toronto, ON.
2003 Fifth Regional Juried Exhibition, Modern Fuel Gallery, Kingston
2003 25th Anniversary Members Exhibition, Modern Fuel Gallery, Kingston,ON.


2010 Best of Show Award, 9th Annual Regional Juried Art Salon Exhibition, Kingston

2007 Best of Show Award, 6th Annual Regional Juried Art Salon Exhibition, Kingston, ON.

2003 Adjudicator’s Choice Award, OKWA, Mixed Media Juried Show, The Wilson Room,

Kingston, ON.

2002 Honorable Mention, OKWA Juried Exhibition, Kingston,ON.

1999 Best of Show Award, Heinz-Jordon Award, Concordia University, Montreal, Que.


Melanie Dugan, “Show Demonstrates Diverse Local Talent” The Whig Standard

Melanie Dugan, “Colour and Movement Define Artist’s Work” The Whig Standard

Richard Moll, Artist Paints With Emotion” The Whig Standard


Exhibition Assistance Grant, Ontario Arts Council